Monday 16 July 2007

One day in those shoes

Mood: Neutral
Listening to: If i could be like that
Watching: how my black nails dance across the keys

You might not be here, but funnily enough its not bugging me as much as i thought it would. mabye its because i already knew. Life's just like that sometimes. I've found that you tend to like change when you have something steady beneath you, or something you hate. Otherwise, its too much of a blur, too fast for you to take in everything so it doesnt hold as much meaning. Which is why you cling to things that are familiar, untill you've grown up enough to realise that you ARE going to be alright without everything you used to have, and that the world wont stop for you no matter how much you wish it would or how much you think it should, untill you finally get back on your feet and realise that you an do it alone. Unfortunetly, like stuff in drama and in life, you have to experience it yourself before you know its true. Seeing is believing this time, not the other way around.Last day of school. Afew people have left, more than i expected or knew about. I hopw matt's happy in scotland. he's the most amazing year 7 i've ever met.

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