Tuesday 14 August 2007

the upside of anger

We all choose who we become, whether its through valour or brilliance, stubbornness or love. Even if the choices that are made are not directly by you, it is your choice what you make after them. No one else leads your life. Even in a dictatorship, you still have the most basic options: to follow the program or fight it. I'm not saying the brave one is not always the smartest. But its still your choice. These in turn over time, make us the people we choose, conscience or not, to be. A rash action can turn your life around, a moment of hatred or desire can screw it up, or make long needed changes. Love, above all complicates this. It has the power to help you make the right decisions, not the power to make you see them. We all make mistakes. I just hope that they are forgiven, corrected or you are the type of person that can start their life over again.

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